our site you will find links and useful information on a large range
of bookmakers along with comments left
by other users of our site. We do vet these comments and any bad experiences
will be forwarded to the bookmaker in confidence before we post it
Finding trustworthy bookmakers can be a little daunting at times so
we hope the information on this site is useful. If you have any comments
or requests for features on this site then please email
us and we will try and meet your requests if at all possible.
We also will keep you up to date with any bookmaker
offers like free bets or reload bonuses |
Barracuda has negotiated a deal with other tips
sites and are now able to offer free tips
to any user the would like them. Our results page shows all the past
bets that our tipsters have made since April 2001.
This service is completely free and available to all.